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Our Kilns

Rock Creek Noborigama

Our Rock Creek Noborigama, named Yuki, is one of the more frequently fired kilns in North America, having been fired close to 450 times since construction in 2003. Yuki is a multi-chambered climbing kiln. The pots in the first chamber are fired in a reduction atmosphere, which results in deep, rich color tones. The second chamber is a salt/soda chamber, volatilized with 12 pounds of a salt and sodium mixture that coats the pots in a sodium silicate glaze. The results from these firings are spectacularly colorful and dynamic!

Photos from the Noborigama

Climbing Train Kiln

Our second wood kiln, a Climbing Train Kiln, is a contemporary rendition of an anagama designed by John Neely. A unique feature of this design is an elevated firebox, known as a bourry box. This is an exceptionally efficient wood-fired kiln that generates heavy ash surfaces using less wood and manpower than a traditional Anagama. We fire our train kiln over a period of around 50 hours, aiming for a range of wood ash accumulation. The front of the kiln is closest to the main firebox and therefore has heavy ash buildup. Closer to the back of the kiln, pots are more protected from fly ash and instead showcase beautiful flashing. Results from the train kiln are excitingly dramatic.

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Photos from the Climbing Train Kiln

Cone 10 Reduction Gas Kiln

In addition to our two wood kilns, our Cone 10 reduction gas kiln is also fired with great frequency. It is the primary kiln for student work, though students have access to the wood kilns as well. We have over 40 glazes to choose from, all of which do spectacularly in the gas kiln. Cone 10 reduction firing allows us to achieve rich colors and a wide range of surface finishes.

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©2023  Canton Clayworks LLC | Tim Scull  Ceramic Studio | 150 Cherry Brook Rd | 06019 | (860) 693-1000

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